I think I’m a lot like you. I like a good story, a fragrant coffee and a perfect day with family and friends. I want to figure out how to do marriage better, how to parent more effectively, how to go deeper with God and how to enjoy the little things.
Words help us do that. Words explain life. Words give hope. Words tell stories. Words open up new worlds. Words are God’s gift. So, come, look over my shoulder for a while. Check out my bookshelf and then go to my journal to see what I’m writing this week. Maybe we’ll explore a biblical truth. Maybe we’ll discover a new story. Maybe we’ll dialogue about current issues. Let’s do this adventure of life together.

Recent Books

Thanksgiving This Year
The turkey was heavy this year. And the table was full. But not as full as her heart. Mrs. C couldn't help smiling as she carried the platter to the table. Around the collection of dishes containing favorite casseroles and salads were the faces of the people she...

Ash to Breathe
Buildings disintegrated. Planes exploded. People died. And mounds of ash were left to remind us of what once had been. Historically, Judaism has rejected cremation of the dead because it destroys the body, the vessel that houses the soul and makes impossible the...