Such is my initial reaction about the events that have unfolded in the primary elections tonight and Governor Huckabee’s subsequent withdrawal from the presidential race.
While I deeply regret that a man of such principle and oratory has had to make the difficult decision to step aside, I remain committed to my earlier statement on this blog: I do not regret standing for principle and voting for a cause I believe in.
Candidates will come and go with the decades; principles will remain. Politicians wield the adz of national influence — each will determine where he carves his niche in the crags of history. But the values that hold America fast are etched into the very bedrock of the soul. And this is the fight that is forever with us. Some things will always be bigger than life and settled in stone.
A wise person said “There is no great loss without some small gain.” At the least, I will get a little more sleep tonight! And I won’t have to wonder about the outcome of this particular contest any longer. Not exactly a consolation prize…..but I’ll take a cue from Mike Huckabee who graciously reminded his supporters that he would rather lose an election than lose the principles which got him into politics. I agree. And I think that sentiment is rock-solid.
My sentiments exactly.
Nail on the head.
You got it.
I was just talking to my mom about Huckabee this morning. Even though he is no longer a candidate, he is not a loser. What the world does not understand is that when a christian does what God asked him to do, the results are in God’s hands. We are disappointed but we are not required to be sucessful as the world counts success. We are to be faithful. Huckabee can walk away with his head held high. He is a man of integrity.