when winning is a problem

I love being right.Ask my husband.Part of this is the fact that I am married to a professional, a man who takes detail seriously and who has a brain that is just geared to get things right. So we have an ongoing joke about the times I win and can say “I’m...

How those Pumpkins grow. . .

Repost of a blog entry from Fall, 2007.As I contemplate the arrival of the autumn season of the year and my present season of mothering, the words of this little verseremind of the value of each and every day.Plump and shiny,fruit of harvest,pumpkins orange lay...

Uncommon Adventure

It’s a common experience.Just like all the really important events in our lives. God made the best in life attainable to every creature, regardless of economic level or region of residence.  Waking up to the sunrise, experiencing the exhilaration of adolescence,...

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