My Journal
Where I share my thoughts in words.of being and doing
God uses my kids to teach me. And sometimes He uses my relationship with Him to teach me how to be a better mom. I feel a compulsion to encourage and propel my kids to the top. I don't want them just to do something, I want them to do it well ....
always on our minds
It's truly amazing how many "news" stories are simply descriptions of the clothes popular women are wearing - either their fashion successes or malfunctions thereof. Far be it from me to decry a woman's enjoyment of a pretty dress or the innate...
the next step . . .
On June 3, our family moved to a new ministry location. We were assured that this was God's will - the next step in our journey as a pastoral family and and as a ministry couple. We are now unpacked and feeling settled. Throughout our lives together,...
of independence and free will
Today is my country's 234th birthday. I am proudly American. To me, there is no more beautiful trio of colors than the red, white, and blue. I like parades and fireworks and a contemplative walk through a military cemetery. I get chills...
lovin’ truth
As a woman and a writer, I am in love with truth.It's the foundation of everything good. And always has been. Satan figured out rather quickly that the human woman was susceptible to words, and the human man was susceptible to images. Cunningly, he...
defining womanhood
God's image in earthly skin. That's what humankind is. Male and female. And the Creator said it was good. No, God doesn't have a body. He is a Spirit, as Jesus explained to the Samaritan woman in John 4. Jesus took on a body that we...
equality and Easter
No woman is mentioned as having spoken against Jesus in his life, or as having had a share in his death. Of woman born was he annointed for his burial; a woman -- Pilate's wife-- pleaded for him, and here women wept over him. Women ministered to him in...
reflecting Easter glory
Easter is almost here, and I don't feel ready. My girls and I are still trying to find the right outfit and shoes and accessories and I still have to buy the ham and plan the dinner. I haven't got the malted milk candy eggs or chocolate bunnies for the...
a beauty book to study
Today, the UPS driver delivered 3 boxes to my door. Reflecting Beauty is in print and available! I am grateful to God for this blessing and hope that my journey of discovery in this study will resonate with other Christian women.I have always been concerned...
saturday morning rescue
Yesterday, one of our kittens was missing. My husband and I were concerned (we care about our pets) but we didn't feel the urgency our daughter did to do something right away. Bundled in her coat against the winter morning, she went walking down our...