My Journal
Where I share my thoughts in words.first frost at the cabin
I looked out at the pumpkin by my front door last week and saw it sprinkled with a wispy snow. It reminded me of this poem whose colorful language sounds so like the Appalachian region of East Tennessee. When we lived in Alabama, one of our favorite autumn events was...
rainy day
" Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby." Langston Hughes"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet." Roger Miller"Rain is grace; rain is the sky condescending to the earth; without...
the cub scout regatta
Last night, Stewart competed in the Raingutter Regatta for his Cub Scout Pack. It was an exciting night. All the boys did so well. You could just feel their budding manhood in every puff of air they blew on the sails of their handbuilt boats. There were fathers...
birthdays & bears
Autumn and Kaley have birthdays 2 days apart. We celebrated them separately this year, but they each wanted something from Build-a-Bear. So, they used Grammie's birthday money and had a fun time selecting a bear and clothes to go with it. How wonderful to watch a...
it was way cool
I returned last night from an awesome two days at the Indianapolis Christian Writers Conference. The sessions were packed with information -- I learned a lot that I can't wait to use. I saw several friends there and met some new ones. Thanks WPH for putting together a...
a post-script
" . . .the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes." (Daniel 4:31)"He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." (Daniel 2:20)"Many are the...
makeover nation
In a nation that reveres the new and hot, it is hardly surprising that the buzzword of the election cycle is change. We are the culture that lauds whatever is the most interesting thing out of the gate, as it were. Our technology and desire for excellence have created...
mental clutter
Life is not flat. It has a shape and texture. The texture of our days begins in the mind. The mind is life's repository where the files of our days are stored. When all is in order, the files run smoothly. But trust life to get hectic, the car to break down, the money...
just a thought . . .
What if it had been discovered that George Washington had toasted a British General and endorsed a book written by a well-known Tory?What about those who pledged their "fortunes" as well as their "lives and sacred honor" to establish a nation based on capitalism and...
my life last week
We just finished a revival with the Durkee family from Penns Creek, PA. It was a week of fantastic singing and searching preaching. Our church enjoyed this family immensely. And we enjoyed keeping them in our home. That's pretty much what I've been up to. On Saturday,...