My Journal
Where I share my thoughts in words.Renewed, re-engergized……..WOW Retreat
The registration table.Tina Fox and me. Lorena Glick leading the Saturday session. The ladies from PNG. Kinza bringing greetings from our sisters in Papua New Guinea.This past weekend, I attended the annual Women of Worth retreat directed by Lorena Glick. What a...
A Garrison for Unsettled Times
At its root, peace is not a feeling, but a confidence. Peace may produce calm feelings; but it is more accurately a secure knowledge and trust. When we are in the midst of some tragedy or great trial or catastrophic circumstance, we cannot predict the emotions which...
A Teenager is Born
On Mother's Day, thirteen years ago, a little 7 pound, 7 ounce package arrived for me at St. Vincent's Hospital in Birmingham, AL. Laura Ashley Quesenberry was my sweet firstborn. She was a delightful little girl, chattering, singing, helping Daddy do things, and...
Quesenberry Girls’ Violin Recital
A year ago, God provided violin lessons for my two older girls. This week, they played in a recital, Minuets 1 and 2 by Bach. Here is the video (I goofed taking this, so what you will see is part of the 1st song and the 2nd.)
Mothers & Daughters
My girls and I went to a Mother/Daughter Banquet on Monday night. Here are some scenes from the evening: all 4 of us, Kaley and her friend Sadie, Ashley and Kaley at the dessert table, and a view of the display table (we made scrapbook pages for the pictures taken...
Happy Birthday, Stewart
Sunday, we celebrated Stewart's birthday. He requested a "crocodile cake." We are still waiting for the tadpole and harvester ants to arrive for his bug habitat and ant farm. I love my little boy with his whales and snails and puppy dog tails.
Make a scrapbook - it's easy!
Tale of Two Brains
A friend sent me a link to this clip some time ago. It is so great. Isn't it comforting to know you're completely "normal?"
Inter-Church Holiness Convention 2008 — I was there!
It was a great gathering. The Dayton Convention was graced with God's presence and warmed by the greetings of friends. My family arrived with a huge degree of anticipation. We love all of it, well, most of it. Lugging enormous amounts of luggage to our room; combing,...
Dayton People
Autumn and Kaley on the escalator going down to the main convention floor.My brother Jim (James)Bender (GBS Alumni Vice-President) serving pizza at the GBS Reception. My cousin Jonathan Bender, his wife Rachel, and their boys -- Ethan and Scott. Jonathan works at a...