My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

Renewed, re-engergized……..WOW Retreat

The registration table.Tina Fox and me. Lorena Glick leading the Saturday session. The ladies from PNG. Kinza bringing greetings from our sisters in Papua New Guinea.This past weekend, I attended the annual Women of Worth retreat directed by Lorena Glick. What a...

A Garrison for Unsettled Times

At its root, peace is not a feeling, but a confidence. Peace may produce calm feelings; but it is more accurately a secure knowledge and trust. When we are in the midst of some tragedy or great trial or catastrophic circumstance, we cannot predict the emotions which...

A Teenager is Born

On Mother's Day, thirteen years ago, a little 7 pound, 7 ounce package arrived for me at St. Vincent's Hospital in Birmingham, AL. Laura Ashley Quesenberry was my sweet firstborn. She was a delightful little girl, chattering, singing, helping Daddy do things, and...

Mothers & Daughters

My girls and I went to a Mother/Daughter Banquet on Monday night. Here are some scenes from the evening: all 4 of us, Kaley and her friend Sadie, Ashley and Kaley at the dessert table, and a view of the display table (we made scrapbook pages for the pictures taken...

Happy Birthday, Stewart

Sunday, we celebrated Stewart's birthday. He requested a "crocodile cake." We are still waiting for the tadpole and harvester ants to arrive for his bug habitat and ant farm. I love my little boy with his whales and snails and puppy dog tails.

Dayton People

Autumn and Kaley on the escalator going down to the main convention floor.My brother Jim (James)Bender (GBS Alumni Vice-President) serving pizza at the GBS Reception. My cousin Jonathan Bender, his wife Rachel, and their boys -- Ethan and Scott. Jonathan works at a...

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