My Journal
Where I share my thoughts in words.Never Wear White Before Easter
~ another in a series of posts for my favorite Southern girls, my daughters ~In the south, etiquette is almost a religion. We believe in decorum. That’s an old-fashioned word that means we have certain ways of doing things. And ladies are the guardians of...
What Mr. Nye Can’t Deny
Unreasonable.Irrational.Illogical.Dangerous.While not necessarily expressed verbally, these are some of the descriptive terms many evolutionary scientists believe apply to creationists. Regardless of intelligence, education, integrity and body of work, anyone who...
Marry a Man Who Loves Your Face
I have three daughters. Each is a precious gift from the Lord. Each is a treasure that I want some fortunate young man to discover and cherish. Marriage for them, I believe, is still a few years off but it isn’t too early to lay the foundation for that journey. And as...
His signature
If you want to get a reaction in the culture today, make a statement about gender distinction - in dress, roles or behavior. Then, step back and get a firm grip on your beliefs for they are going to be challenged. Even many Christians today are uncomfortable...
the best is yet to come
It's 2014. I want to let God "write my story" as Steve Saint says. This year, I desire that to maintain a deeper surrender and let His grace be my strength. As the kids head back to school, my oldest daughter back to her college campus and I return to work in...
my “day off”
I have a rare day off this Veteran's Day. I have been anticipating it for a while. Working outside my home is a relatively new experience for me; it's only been in the past two years that I have traded my days in the house for time spent in tutoring, housecleaning and...
family milestones
November is a special month in our family - two special girls were born in this beautiful season of the year. Last week, we celebrated significant milestones in their growth. Kaley, my youngest, reached the age of 10!Autumn, my second-born, turned 16!What...
Motherhood’s Hardest Lesson. . . Learning to Decrease
Did your child just go off to college? I share what God is teaching me about decreasing in my motherhood role in my article for Today's Christian Woman available here.
My Attitude toward my Husband is Important!
Like all wives, I have the power to build up or destroy my husband. I share what I learned about having “A Hammer in My Hands” in my @Today’s Christian Woman article published here.
Short Stories are Fun Reading!
The runners-up of the Create Romance Short Story Content were featured in the September/October edition of Family Fiction Magazine. "The Day MacBeth Escaped" was one of the runner-up entries. Read the interview about the story's origin here on page 18.