My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

the creation equation

In her book, Girl Perfect, former supermodel Jennifer Strickland talks about the feminine desire to be  validated by a man.  Speaking from her personal experience in the modeling industry, Jennifer relates how a woman feels valuable if a man...

a pugilist’s opinion

"Where do you find diamonds?  Deep down in the ground, covered and protected.  Where do you find pearls?  Deep down in the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell.  Where do you find gold?  Way down in the mine,...

DNA and personal holiness

I used to think it was very simple.  You pray for cleansing; God takes out the problems = life is solved.  You can now live a victorious Christian life.  The little stuff is over.  What I didn't understand for many years is that implied in the...

attractive or attracting?

In the fairytales, they don't even have to try.  The maidens are fair without even giving it a thought.  Though they work from dawn to dusk (Cinderella) and sleep in the forest (Snow White) and spend days in a secluded tower (Rapunzel), they charm the Prince...

in the meantime

They grow so fast, "while you're not looking" the old folks say.  I think I've finally figured out while it is so surprising to behold the maturing of a child, even your own.  It happens on the sly, between the layers of life, on the ho-hum days when you're...

where is solitude

At the present, solitude is a luxury to which I am not accustomed.  This season of life is compacted into the frame of homeschool and child-rearing.  It's what God wants of me just now.  I see His imprint.  Yet, my fingers crave the slick edges of...

i like cities

Last weekend, I spent several hours in Indianapolis with my friend, Sarah Fry.  We had a blast shooting pictures and  having a great gabfest (we covered everything from cute shoes to prophecy).  It was awesome. We discovered we have a mutual penchant...

so much to learn

I had a great time at the Writers Conference this weekend in Indy.  I learned a lot and got to interact with some wonderful writers and editors.  It was exciting for me to have the opportunity to share a little bit about how ICWC has impacted my writing...

It’s Listed!

It was a pretty wonderful moment when I found my book listed on the "Coming Soon" page of my publisher's website.  The official release date is April 1, 2010, but you can check their website for pre-ordering information.A big thanks to my editor, to the Lord who...

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