My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

Guest Article

I discovered the following article while doing some research for some writing I am doing. I think this lady has captured something significant here--there were so many women unnamed in the Bible who lived and breathed and experienced wonderful things. It made me see...

cultural assault

The more I experience life, the more I realize how tightly Satan's fingers are wrapped around our earth, specifically the culture.  I am passionate about helping women realize the deception we face on a daily basis.  Many of the challenges in our...

of books and mom guilt and such

As a mom, I tend to be part of the guilt brigade.  Been there?  I should have done  . . . I should be doing . . . oh, this book recommends this . . . have I ruined my children's chances in life??So, the very few things that I feel halfway good about I...

Oops, sorry

Sorry for the confusion, blogging friends.  I changed my blog's address and then realized I had no way of telling all of you about it.  So, it is back to the original one and I hope you find me . . . .  .!

the signature of God

Last night, I watched my friend Kim Collingsworth play the piano and marveled again at the artistry of God. As one of the premiere pianists in the gospel music world today, Kim has a style all her own. You do not only listen to her music; you experience her music. The...

how cool is that?

I just viewed a news clip about one man who lived"off the grid" for a whole year.  It seems that in that time, he ans his family did not use electicity, a car, or other conveniences as they were trying to lessen their impact on the environment.  He has...

measuring life

"Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths, And my age is as nothing before You . . . ."(Psalm 39:5 NKJV) For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. . . ." (James 4:14 NKJV)Like the fragrant mist rising from a...

ministry continues

Our family has made a move this summer and now serving a church family in southern Indiana. Change is as enduring as the rising and setting of the sun, and God's grace goes before and behind and continues to fill our lives with His love. He's a wonderful Father.

the security of one’s place

The former president is confused. Jimmy Carter announced that he is separating from the Southern Baptist denomianation because of their policies regarding women which he interprets as making them subservient and subject to the various often brutal whims of men.I must...

the challenges of change

In the past couple months, I have compared my journey to two vastly different people--Abraham and Alice (in Wonderland, that is). Now, I know that's quite a comparison. So, here's why I say that. Sometimes, life brings change so unexpectedly that it does feel like...

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