My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

Convention Settings and Services

Charlotte Frederick directing the Chapel of the Children.My alma mater -- GBS Combined Choirs and Symphonic Wind/String Ensemble. Children's Mass Choir sings on Thursday. The College Mass Choir in the finale service under the direction of Don Quales.All the Bible...

Coffee is not just a drink; it’s a lifestyle.It’s become a chic way to gather with friends. “Having coffee” is not just a cup of joe down at the corner diner; it’s bistro tables, leather chairs, snappy descriptions, and gourmet flavors. It’s latte and cappuccino and...

Happy Birthday, Duane!

Duane's birthday was Friday, March 28. We were ministering in music during a revival at the Findlay, Ohio Bible Methodist Church. Pastor and Mrs. Cravens and a few of the staff threw a little party for Duane, complete with candles on the cake and some very useful (!)...

Happy Easter

Because of His resurrection, all the earth rejoices. We sing songs of praise to You, O Lord.You are the Victor; Life has triumphed. Children are like blooms, you know.Fragile and sweet,they steady grow.In my heart are planted four.Seedlings at birth;but pledge of...

Lessons from the incubator……

Spring is not my favorite time of year. (Gasp!)There, I said it. However, I am desparately wishing for it to arrive about now.It's not that I don't enjoy green, growing things and warm breezes, for I do. I think it has something to do with the fact that spring is not...

A Life Worth Emulating

Elisabeth Elliot is one of my heroines. I admire her skillful writing and more than that, admire the Christian life she has lived which has produced that spiritual depth in her books. Hers is a walk with God that is worth emulating. I was privileged to hear her speak...

Settled in stone

Defeat is stunning in its intensity. You might recognize the possibility, contemplate the probability, and agonize over the advancement. Yet, the reality in black print takes the emotions over the cliff, plummets you towards numb disbelief.Such is my initial reaction...

Think or Listen

There is a dearth of thinking citizens in America.We need a big name to help us decide. We need a talk show host to give us the nod. We need a politician or the news media to tell us we’re doing the smart thing.What is up with that?If individual Americans can’t decide...

What’s that called?

Last week, my four-year-old, Kaley, was eating lunch and also trying to describe to me something that had happened to her. She pointed to the area above her eyes and said, "This is my second-head." Then she corrected it with a giggle "I mean this is my forehead."

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