My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

My Personal Choice

This is my personal blog -- a place where I share my thoughts and opinions. As a firstborn (have you read Kevin Leman's birth order book?), I am very loyal to a cause I believe in. The coming party nominations and following general election are things I very much care...

Happy Reunion in the Airport

Melissa Gresham just sent me these pictures we took Saturday night when we met the guys' flight at Columbus airport. This is the official end of the Philippine saga. (We made it, Melissa!) Melissa and me -- smilin' cause the men are back! Duane & Steve -- our...

He’s Home!!

After 10 days, Duane is back. The kids and I are so glad to have him home. We met him at the airport in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday evening and celebrated with a meal at Cracker Barrel on the way home. He was tired and is still adjusting back to sleep patterns after...

A Sunday in the Philippines

Duane and Steve Gresham on Sunday in the Philippines infront of church where Pastor Steve preached. Duane eating Sunday dinner at the Filipino pastor's house.He said it was good and he had second helpings. Duane with the pastor and his family. Duane preaching through...

Of blogs and trips and Sunday

Just a quick note. I am having "blog block." (something akin to writer's block, but much more serious for the blogging community). Maybe eventually I will get around to posting pics from our Christmas.For those of you who don't know, Duane is in the Philippines to...

The Q Girls in a Wedding!

My girls were in Lyndsay McLaughlin Paisley's wedding on December 15. Ashley and Autumn were junior bridesmaids. Kaley was the flower girl. They looked very elegant and had a lot of fun. I wanted to share some pictures with you.

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