My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

Christmas Past

It is wired into us perhaps to believe that we are made from fine stuff. Though we are dust we imagine that it was stardust and not sawdust or dirt-dust. And we who can trace our lineage back to the God of the universe have cause to believe that we originated from...

A Story for Thanksgiving (guest post)

Here's a bit of fiction that my daughter wrote for her high school composition class. I thought I'd share it with you.  Enjoy!A Teddy Bear Thanksgiving- Autumn Quesenberry“Noah, honey, how many times does Mommy have to answer your question?” Four-year-old...

the reason

"The Marriage License"  - Norman Rockwell, Saturday Evening Post Cover, June 11, 1955Not because it's historic tradition.Not because it's aesthetically pleasing.Not because it's personally preferred.Not because it's socially convenient.But because it's...

What If It Is my Son?

I’m wondering:Do Christian movie makers have sons?If they do, do they want them to watch their movies with pure thoughts? Do they care if the women characters sometimes display as much sex appeal as they do God-appeal?My daughters and I recently watched a...

Considering Thyself. . . .

Touching this topic with any length pole is crazy, but that's what we writers do - launch out into shark-infested waters. I know what I say will be controversial to everyone and probably offensive to some. So, like a coward, I will post this disclaimer: read at your...

NEW. . . .

Does femininity still matter?  Is it important to dress and conduct ourselves in ways that are unequivocally feminine?Is womanhood inferiority or diversity?Is femaleness to be celebrated in our everyday lives as a glorious and distinct expression of the...

some personal musings about heaven

I'm listening to the Gaither Vocal Band sing "These are They" and thinking about heaven this morning.  Outside the widow of the spare bedroom that I call my "writing studio," it is snowing, white flakes drifting down and piling up, prompting our church to call...

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