Need a Prayer Journal?

Need a Prayer Journal?

On 3 x 5 cards and on pieces of paper in my Bible and in my devotional books, I have listed dear-to-my-heart prayer requests. I put a check mark and sometimes a date beside the ones that are answered. Sometimes the answer is “no.”  Though I write...
The research has begun  . . .

The research has begun . . .

It’s been wonderful to hear from my readers about the The Eagle and the the Star. I’ve heard from many of you who have asked me “Will there be a sequel?” and “What happened to Hanne?” I’m excited to tell you that I’ve...
Thanksgiving This Year

Thanksgiving This Year

The turkey was heavy this year. And the table was full. But not as full as her heart.   Mrs. C couldn’t help smiling as she carried the platter to the table. Around the collection of dishes containing favorite casseroles and salads were the faces of the people...
Ash to Breathe

Ash to Breathe

Buildings disintegrated.  Planes exploded.  People died.  And mounds of ash were left to remind us of what once had been.  Historically, Judaism has rejected cremation of the dead because it destroys the body, the vessel that houses the soul and makes impossible the...
Love Your Country

Love Your Country

There are many reasons for celebrating the Fourth of July, I believe. They range from a day free from the grind of work to an affinity for the fizzle and boom of firecrackers. But, to be honest, there are very good reasons for literally embracing this national holiday...
Liberty to the Life Lovers

Liberty to the Life Lovers

It’s been a week since the High Court handed down a decision in the Dobbs case that effectively ended the federal blessing to the slaughter legalized by Roe v. Wade. The world had to pause. And well it should.  The assisted death of over 60 million babies is...

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