so much to learn

I had a great time at the Writers Conference this weekend in Indy.  I learned a lot and got to interact with some wonderful writers and editors.  It was exciting for me to have the opportunity to share a little bit about how ICWC has impacted my writing...

It’s Listed!

It was a pretty wonderful moment when I found my book listed on the “Coming Soon” page of my publisher’s website.  The official release date is April 1, 2010, but you can check their website for pre-ordering information.A big thanks to my...

Guest Article

I discovered the following article while doing some research for some writing I am doing. I think this lady has captured something significant here–there were so many women unnamed in the Bible who lived and breathed and experienced wonderful things. It made me...

cultural assault

The more I experience life, the more I realize how tightly Satan’s fingers are wrapped around our earth, specifically the culture.  I am passionate about helping women realize the deception we face on a daily basis.  Many of the challenges in...

of books and mom guilt and such

As a mom, I tend to be part of the guilt brigade.  Been there?  I should have done  . . . I should be doing . . . oh, this book recommends this . . . have I ruined my children’s chances in life??So, the very few things that I feel halfway good...

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