My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

life for me

Summer is here in all its glory and I am relishing the sunny days and relaxed schedule. Well, relaxed may not be the right word, but at least my children and I are enjoying a break from the homework and lesson routine, not to mention a later bedtime.Actually, while...

blog revamp

Life is sometimes too complicated . . . . . .so, I'm taking action.I have removed my decorating blog and opened my pastor's wives blog to general readers (yes, I know there will be non-pastor's wives reading it, but perhaps it will reach more people this way and it...

Come to Me, Summer Come to me, summer, with rays of white goldthe warmth of the sun caressing my skinthe long hours of twilight extending my day.Come to me, summer, with shades blue and greenlike waves of the shore 'neath sparkling white sand,like stripes on the chair...

sisters and strings

Last evening was my daughters' 3rd violin recital, and it went very well. I was so proud of them. They have a very capable teacher in Mrs. Lydia Kunselman who has brought them so far in the past 2 years. And the Lord has used some other very special people to make...

it’s done

Yesterday, I finally submitted my manuscript to my editor at Wesleyan Publishing House. It was an exciting moment in my writing journey. I am so indebted to many people who have helped me get to this point. Maybe I'll say more about that later.I am very happy when I...

Dayton glimpses

my fam -- Duane and our children my 2 men -- Duane and Stewart my brother Jim (R) talking with fellow pastorChris Cravens (niece Lauren is snoozing) my older girls -- Ashley and Autumn the kids' choir from Chapel of the Children(over 350, I believe)

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