My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

moody weather

I have decided that northeastern weather is like me sometimes--prone to moods. Today, the skies are definitely melancholy. Yesterday was glorious sun; today is somber clouds. Just like a woman's prerogative to change her mind, the weather pattern where I live panders...

the God of broken paradoxes

It is resurrection day! Glorious light; tremendous hope; eternal promise of new life. God fulfilled the prophecy that death would be conquered through His Son, Jesus Christ.A group of women had come to offer one last loving service to the Master--wrapping His body...

molding little soldiers

"You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." (2Ti 2:3 NKJV)Whatever else God has gifted them to be, I want my children to be soldiers. Call me a doomsayer, but I have to acknowledge that the culture is getting progressively more anti-Christ...

I have uploaded three new video clips of Narrow Way on their blog -- two are from the concert in Salem and one is, well, just go check it out.

assimilating life

I read a lot. I write a lot. I'm an "under the surface" sort of temperament. I love to find out "why" things are a certain way, particularly as it relates to relationships with others and my walk with the Lord. As I devour the insight of others who articulate their...

niagara falls

Our family ministered at a Regional IHC in Schenectady, NY this past week. On the way home, Friday, we went to Niagara Falls. Duane and I had been there previously, but our kids had not. Now, winter isn't the most comfortable time of year to visit, but it was...

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Valorie Quesenberry
New Release - The Eagle and the Star
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