My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

winning the gold

The phenomenon of swimmer Michael Phelps has added dazzle to the Beijing Olympics. This young man has captured the admiration of the world with his physical prowess and his good-natured attitude. Winning 8 gold medals and holding the record for the most gold medals in...

meant to be “lite”

OK, the previous post was meant to be "lite" stuff! I think either you guys are feeling sorry for me 'cause you think I'm "downing" myself or you're a little too squeamish to admit you and your husband have some differences too! (thanks, Beth, for commenting!) Relax,...

the sheriff and I

My husband and I are like Andy and Barney. Not in looks! In the way we approach life.Like Andy, the calm and unruffled sheriff, my husband faces life with a can-do, no-worries attitude and loves a bit of good sarcasm. Like Barney, the sentimental and high-strung...

leave your mark

Lives of great men all remind usWe can make our lives sublime,And, departing, leave behind usFootprints on the sands of time.(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)Maybe its the residue of eternity past, maybe its the fear of insignificance. Whatever the root, leaving a mark on...

like no other

I've just read a sport's reporters words about the lavish opening ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics. He said there were no superlatives for it. String all the words together and they still were inadequate, according to him. News reports say the 2008 Olympic Opening...

there are no ifs

A friend and I were talking about praying in the will of God. She reminded me that there are some things we pray about that we don't need to. God's nature and His Word tell us that He will be with us, will strengthen us when we need it, will comfort us in our trials....

Vacation FAQs

I have finally upgraded to Picasa. (click on the pic above to enlarge and view) . I documented some of our favorite restaurant stops (my husband said the people in the restaurants would think I was a food editor, snapping pictures of my plate!)Here are some of the...

finally off the trail…..

We're back from family vacation and Heartland Conference Youth Camp -- only 2 days between these very full events!Have I got a ton of pictures and lots of new to share!Having a little trouble with my computer monitor so it may take me a day or so to upload everything...

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