My Journal
Where I share my thoughts in fears?
What is your secret fear? What will you do with it?Hide it?Flaunt it?Pamper it?Admonish it?Deny it?Confront it?Every living person has a fear, at least one. Like shivers during a cold shower, fear invades our lives even while we tell ourselves everything is fine. God...
“MacBeth” wins Finalist Standing
The final round of judging is over and the short story The Day MacBeth Escaped won a place in the Top 10 in the Create Romance Contest sponsored by Family Fiction. Thank you to everyone who voted in the second round. If you missed it, you can read the story at the...
the principle of life
A recent radio presentation caused me to ponder the differences between two kings named in Christmas stories - Herold the Great and the Baby King Jesus. I came away with a clear understanding of how the first exemplified the principle of death and the second, the...
Today, I'll just be thankful for ordinary things. My life isn't made of the spectacular anyway. Big days give me tension headaches and lots of stress. But I can handle the common, everyday stuff. And it's there that I find the most extraordinary reasons for...
a belief in the future
Being a Christ-follower means that I recognize His sovereignty and trust His faithfulness - my future is safe with Him; being an American citizen means that I love my country and grieve the seriousness of our national condition - spiritually, most of all. I will bring...
voting rage or righteous fervor
As a conservative, I hold firmly to my convictions and as a Unites States citizen, this affects how I vote. I have very decided opinions about my country and how I feel it should be governed. If you're an American, I hope you do as well. For patriots to be without...
Available soon!
Upcoming Release! Everyday Moments with God by Valorie Quesenberry"This brand-new prayer collection is designed for those “everyday moments” in your life—the tired moments, the stressed-out moments, the joyful moments, the tearful moments, the...
Being versus Doing
Didn't Shakespeare write: "To be or not to be?"Maybe its an age-old question; it certainly is a conundrum for me as a person and as a mother. Where is the balance between being and doing? As a firstborn, I am driven to "do." Most firstborns are. We're a...
somebody’s mama
It's a wonderful thing to be somebody's mama. I know its the best vocation I could have had. To be a mama is to be connected to other lives in a way no one else can ever be. A mama is there, from the very beginning you could say. And, all along the way, she is part of...
the fight over the chicken sandwich
I love free speech. Especially so as a writer. And as a Christian, this right enables me to live out my faith without fear. I don't enjoy fear-mongering. As a child and teen, I recall the terror of listening to older people discuss current events and share...