My Journal

Where I share my thoughts in words.

Guard Your Petticoat

(another bit of etiquette from a Southern girl's point of view)In the old days, southern young ladies were always well dressed, even to their “foundational” garments. There were chemises, corsets, bloomers, petticoats and crinolines and all served a purpose. A lady’s...

Not Alone

 I love history, and historical drama is even better. The plot of the story Alone, Yet Not Alone has all the good points - faith, sacrifice, action, courage, loyalty, endurance and best of all the message that God is our strong tower in the day of trouble. Not to...

Butcher the Mule!

(a southern girl's perspective)If there’s anything southerners are, it’s tenacious. Some might say stubborn, but we’ll leave that dispute to those who are so inclined.     Give a southerner a cause, and she’ll stick with it to the bitter end. The...

Serve them Sweet Iced Tea

Some things are sacred in the south – sweet iced tea is one of them. You know how valuable something is by what people will sacrifice for it.  I can only imagine how the King’s tea tax smote the heart of our Revolutionary forbears.  Their devotion to...

Holiness for Husbands and Wives

For too long, submission has been seen as a theme of “other” denominations. We of Wesleyan persuasion have had a lot of angst about jumping into the water. Maybe it’s because of our tradition in which women have had a greater part in church activity and administration...

Heroes and Treasures

Heroes and TreasuresIt’s taken for granted, at least according to the common line of humor, that married couples are bored with each other. And some even go so far as to suggest that it is natural for them to be at odds with one another. It’s supposed to be funny that...

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